Hendi Handian Rachmat, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

NIDN : 0417087701


Bidang Keahlian/Kepakaran

Teknik Elektronika, Teknik Biomedika


Sarjana (S1)

Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Magister (S2)

Teknik Biomedika, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Doktor (S3)

Biomedical Engineering, Groningen University, The Netherlands


1. In-situ mechanical behavior and slackness of the anterior cruciate ligament at multiple knee flexion angles
2. Generating finite element models of the knee: How accurately can we determine ligament attachment sites from MRI scans?
3. Material properties of the human posterior knee capsule
4. A prototype of SSVEP-based BCI for home appliances control
5. Pemanfaatan Sistem RFID sebagai Pembatas Akses Ruangan


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email : hendi_hr@itenas.ac.id

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  • Phone: +62-22-7272215, Fax: +62-227202892,
  • email: humas[at]itenas.ac.id,
  • http://www.itenas.ac.id