Analisa SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) dalam pemantauan proses oksidasi magnetite menjadi hematite
Publication Name : Semin. Nas.-VII Rekayasa dan Apl. Tek. Mesin di Ind., no. October, 50-56 vol. , 2008 | cited count : 53
Analisis Reliability untuk Menentukan Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Studi kasus Pulverizer pada Sebuah PLTU
Publication Name : Rekayasa dan Aplikasi Teknik Mesin di Industri 128 vol. , 2013 | cited count : 3
Improvement of three-dimensional motion analyzer system for the development of Indonesian gait database
Publication Name : Procedia Manufacturing 2, 268-274 vol. , 2015 | cited count : 3
Investigation of Upper Body Motion of Subject with Spinal Abnormalities During Gait
Publication Name : Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME-2014) vol. , 2014 | cited count : 2
Gait Parameters Determination by 3D Motion Analyzer System for Initial Indonesian Gait Database
Publication Name : Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME-2013) vol. , 2013 | cited count : 2