G.A. Jessy Kartini, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0421049203


Bidang Keahlian/Kepakaran

Survei Terestris dan Pemodelan


Sarjana (S1)

Teknik Geodesi, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Magister (S2)

Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Doktor (S3)

Sedang studi lanjut di Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung


1. GAJ Kartini, I Gumilar, HZ Abidin, L Yondri (2022). The Comparison of Different LIDAR Acquisition Software on Ipad Pro m1 2021. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
2. GAJ Kartini, I Gumilar, HZ Abidin, RA Tamrin, MI Dwisatria, R Nabil (2022). Multi-Sensor Data Acquisition at Bukit Pawon (West Java) to Support Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Bulletin of Geology 6 (2), 1019-1025
3. GAJ Kartini, A Rizky, FA Rafiq (2022). Utilization of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Technology for Analyzing Shape of Dutch Cave (Bandung, West Java). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (1), 012007
4. I Gumilar, F Farohi, M Munarda, B Bramanto, GAJ Kartini (2022). The Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Modeling of Piping Instrumentation at Oil and Gas Company. J.Eng.Technol.Sci. Vol.53 No.6, 1121-1140.
5. GAJ Kartini, ND Saputri (2022). 3D Modelling of Boscha Observatory with TLS and UAV Integration Data. Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning 9 (1), 37-46
6. GAJ Kartini, AHPU Putra, H Nugroho (2021). Detection of Rail Geometry Irregularities Using Point Cloud Data from Terrestrial Laser Scanner (Study Case: Curve No. 106, Railroad between Cipatat-Tagogapu, Indonesia). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 731 (1), 012005
7. GAJ Kartini, S Utomo, H Nugroho (2021). Study of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Intensity Data for the Bosscha Observatory Building’s Material Classification. The 42nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2021)
8. YR Wirnajaya, GAJ Kartini, H Nugroho (2019). Pemodelan 3D Kopel Observatorium Bosscha Menggunakan Terrestrial Laser Scanner Dengan Metode Cloud to Cloud. NALARs 19 (1), 41-48
9. GAJ Kartini, I Gumilar, B Brahmantyo, B Bramanto, N Haerani (2018). Analisis Hasil Pengukuran Terrestrial Laser Scanner untuk Deteksi Rekahan dalam kaitannya dengan Analisis Struktur Geologi (Studi Kasus: Tebing Citatah 125, Jawa Barat). Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi 9 (3), 107-117


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email: ayujessy@itenas.ac.id

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